Welcome to the Idaho Falls Seventh-day Adventist Church in Idaho Falls, Idaho.
We are live streaming our services, so check these out on our Live Streaming page.
More About Us!
We are a Christian Community who would love to have you join our family. Our church is a part of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist Church, a rapidly growing Protestant denomination of more than 19 million members in countries around the world.
We believe in the biblical injunction to worship on the seventh day of the week and in the Bible as the sole source of God’s word. As Adventists we look forward to the soon coming of Jesus Christ.
By clicking on the links in the menu above, you can learn more about what we believe and what our church is involved in.
For directions click here or see the Contact page in the menu above.
The page labeled ONLINE GIVING is set up to provide a more expedient way of giving donations such as tithes and offerings. You can find this page on the tab line at the top. With our busy schedules and traveling it is often difficult to give to the Church. At this site you can give with a credit card or draw from your checking account.
Idaho Falls Seventh-day Adventist Church
Join Us This Saturday
Service times:
Sabbath School: 10 a.m.
Worship Service: 11 a.m.